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Contact us

Reach out to us

Faith Baptist Church wants to connect with you. You are so welcome to contact us, whether you have a question, comment, or just want some information. Why don't you join us one Sunday just to see? 


Perhaps you landed here because you would like to support us financially. 


In addition to our Services, Faith Baptist Church has other ministries that regularly gather. You are welcome to attend any of these!

  • Gesinserediens elke Sondag 10:15 VM

  • Lesse vir Kinders en Jeug elke Sondag 09:00 (gedurende die skoolkwartaal)

  • Onderrig-uur vir die volwassenes elke Sondag
    09:00 (gedurende die skoolkwartaal)

  • Slegs Skype-groeigroep elke Donderdag 18:00 (gedurende die skoolkwartaal)

  • Dames elke 3de Saterdag van die maand 13:00 (gedurende die skoolkwartaal)


Indien u ons gedurende die week wil bereik, is die kerkkantoor elke Maandag, Woensdag en Vrydag (behalwe op openbare vakansiedae) oop vanaf 9 vm. tot 12:00.



Die Fisiese adres van Faith Baptist Church:


Andromeda Ave 64, Reyno Ridge,





basiese kaart van aanwysings na die kerk in Andromeda straat

Die posadres van Faith Baptist Church:


Posbus 14532



Faith Baptist Church's banking information should you want to make a donation towards our ministry and/or missionaries.


First National Bank / Saveways Branch: 270450

  • Faith Baptist Church General (Cheque) 62387272629

  • Faith Baptist Church Missions (Cheque) 62387272900

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